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Forehead enhancement at Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Limited - Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic has been pioneered by Drs Garsing Wong & Wen-Pei Margaret Chen at Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic who have been offering this to their patients since 2006. This treatment is been popular in the Asian community and just at the recently publicised at the Plastic Surgery Congress 2013, Melbourne, Australia.
A prominant forehead in the Asian culture symbolises beauty and intelligence. By lifting the forehead helps to make the central focus to be in the midline of face, making the forehead lines smoother as well as subtly lifting the eyebrow region as the skin is draped over the enhanced region.

Before and Immediately After Nonsurgical forehead enhancement with Restylane Perlane® dermal filler
Please note all photos are photographs of genuine patients of Dr Wong, the photographs are not altered or manipulated in any way. It is important to understand that the photos represent one persons experience and there is no guarantee that any other patient will experience similar results.
Hyaluronic Acid dermal filler is used to create this effect. This is a very simple, quick method to enhance your forehead. Because the product is placed deeply, the effect often last beyond a year. If you would like to know more about Restylane, then please click on to this link.
Dr Garsing Wong also uses Teosyal Ultimate, Teosyal Global Action, Juvederm Ultra XC, and Juvederm Voluma XC for forehead placement, using a fine atraumatic cannula to place the product. This is a safe method for achieving a natural looking result.
Another unique nonsurgical dermal filler procedure using either Teosyal Ultimate, Teosyal Global Action, Restylane Perlane® , Juvederm Ultra XC of Juvederm Voluma XC offered first at Sapphire - Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Ltd. If you would like to know more about this or any other procedure, then please click the link to make an appointment for a free consultation with Margaret.
Forehead enhancement at Sapphire Appearance Medicine Clinic also known as Auckland Cosmetic Medicine Clinic Limited is located at 26 College Hill, Freemans Bay, Auckland which borders on Ponsonby and St Mary's Bay, just up the road from the New World Supermarket at Victoria Park Market.
Teosyal Global Action, Teosyal Ultimate, Teosyal Redensity I and II® are registered trademarks of Teoxane, Geneva, Switzerland.
Updated 3 February 2016