Dr Garsing Wong and Wen-Pei Margaret Chen give international talks on their Skin Tightening methods to international experts.
Using the patented and proven Fractional Nonablative 1540nm Erbium:Glass Starlux® handpiece, we can deliver relatively painless tissue tightening stimulating your skin to produce new collagen, via their patented fractional delivery, and the patented cooling system, giving a more effective treatment, for superior skin tightening and collagenesis. The procedure is often combined with a range of treatments such as our non surgical face lift using Xeomin, Botox, Teosyal range, Juverderm Voluma, Restylane Perlane and Sculptra.
New to Sapphire Clinic is the Venus Viva Diamond Polar MP2 Venus Freeze skin tightening treatment.
The new device arrived on the 22nd of January 2016, the first of its kind in New Zealand. The treatment can provide you with a true lunch time skin tightening procedure that is comfortable, affordable and in most patients, immediately visible lift after the procedure. We recommend a series of treatments spaced a week apart, however after the first treatment, you will see a subtle improvement that will make it a pleasure for you to return for more treatments.
What can I expect During a Fractional Nonablative 1540nm Skin Tightening Session?
The best results are seen when your body stimulates tissue repair to stimulate new collagen to form which is a slow process over several weeks. The treatment is safe and comfortable. You need a series of treatment to gain the best benefits. We like to combine the technique with several modalities to treat all layers of your skin to get the best effect (see above).
How does it work?
Skin Tightening through the 1540nm nonablative 1540nm Erbium:Glass laser delivers hundreds of fine beams of laser, extending up to 1mm into the dermis, to create islands of coagulated tissue. These heated islands coagulate tissue in the dermis, yet preserve the epidermis.
The body's natural healing response generates new tissue, thereby reducing skin laxity and causing the skin to appear tighter.
The Palomar patented cooling technology and integrated contact sensors safely allows for significantly higher fluency or energy, for better patient results.
Photos of the revolutionary eyelid lift using fractional nonablative laser will be displayed shortly.
The depth of heating can be matched to different anatomical sites, allowing you to customize the treatment for the needs of your patients.
Skin Tightening through Soft Tissue Coagulation requires little downtime, providing efficacious results for hard-working, "on the go" patients so that you can have a treatment on Friday and be able to work on Monday.
This allows for the generation of new tissue, thus reducing the appearance of skin laxity particularly suited for the face.
The Palomar® Fractional 1540nM Erbium:Glass laser is the latest and greatest technology from Palomar Medicals.
The sophisticated laser that allows you to dial up the depth of treatment by adjusting the energy setting, thereby treating up to 1mm depth in your skin.
The most impressive results are seen in its ability to treat the unsightly severe acne-scarring with a series of treatments.
It also smoothes out fine lines, rebuilding your own natural collagen with each treatment.
Deeper pigment such as melasma can also be lightened.
The big advantage is that there is little to no down time, and in fact some of our patients elect to return to work straight after the procedure. Another advantage is that there is no messy dyes, which can be bothersome to remove.
If you are serious about offering your skin the best treatment then you must consider the full range of light based treatments we offer, namely, treating the superficial dyschromias and blemishes with the Starlux® super IPL, treating the deeper pigment and fine lines or acne scarring with the Fractional 1540 laser® and firming your skin with our non surgical face lift using safe absorbable sutures or threading as well as combining all the techniques with Botox®. Your skin will love it.

Before and 2 weeks after Botox to lower face and platysma bands giving a subtle lift to the lower face & neck. Please note all photos are photographs of genuine patients of Dr Wong, the photographs are not altered or manipulated in any way. It is important to understand that the photos represent one persons experience and there is no guarantee that any other patient will experience similar results.
This method can be safely combined with the full range of Starlux Treatments as well as with the non surgical face lifting techniques using safe resorbable sutures or threading, to give you even more superior results.
Contact Margaret (Wen-Pei Chen) on this link to make an online booking to see which procedure will suit your condition
BOTOX® is a Prescription Medicine containing 100 units of botulinum toxin type A for injection. It is used for the treatment of frown lines. It should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Talk to your specialist about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine.
Cautions: People with defective neuro-muscular transmission disorders, infection at site of injection, glaucoma, pregnancy and lactation.
Possible side effects include headaches, pain, burning or redness at injection site, local muscle weakness including drooping eyelids, lack of feeling and nausea. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor.
You will need to pay for this medicine. Normal doctors visits apply. Note: The treatment lasts about four months and after this time further courses of treatment may be necessary. Speak to your specialist about your own situation.
BOTOX® is a registered trademark of Allergan Inc.
All our procedures are office base, requiring no time off work, with a compliment of pain free methods to give you the best results.
Speak to us about how we can help to maintain and care for your skin to keep you healthier and look more youthful
Updated 11 February 2016